Terrace Hotel i Bandar Seri Begawan

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BruneiTerrace Hotel


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49, Jalan Tasek Lama, BS8760, Bandar Seri Begawan, Kianggeh, BN Brunei
kontakter telefon: +673 224 3554
internet side: www.terracebrunei.com
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Latitude: 4.8957152, Longitude: 114.9416433

kommentar 5




    canteen is good, have a pool and 8ball pool also.

  • Pinay in Borneo Ask Me

    Pinay in Borneo Ask Me


    The lobby is dark and old. The ground floor restaurant have good food like hotpot , a soup base is given and a plate of raw vegetables and meat or seafood which customer cooks in a special hotpot aluminium pot. The whole ground floor lobby and restaurant and the hotel itself is outdated. A scary decaying mini pool is in the garden area. The reception counter is antiquated and I'm not sure how their computerized room booking still works. Location however is it's asset. It's smack in the heart of tge city. Walking distance to a tourist spot tasek lama, a mini trekking with a overlooking tower and mini waterfalls. Other walking distance tourist spots are the royal regalia museum, heritage building, Sultan Omar mosque & park where big events like National day parade are done, and the unique Water village , consist of houses in the water, and multiple water taxis that offer cruise in the water village . The rooms are also outdated and the bedsheets are yellowing from over use. The hotel is immediately next to a 5 star hotel, Radisson , so it proves the prime location of its hotel. The hotel employees are mostly ageing staff, at least the hotel has loyalty to its employees.

  • Farah Abbas

    Farah Abbas


    Their restaurant was awesome. The hotpot was very flavourfull and plentiful. The food was great fresh hot & delicious. The local & western delicasies were very right to the point in terms of flavour. The hotel might be antique but the food was delicious. I will go there again for their food. Their restaurant cheft really knows how to cook. 😉👍👍. Also, the hotel is just a walk away from tamu selera, SOAS Mosque & Royal Regalia Museum. Literally they have great food. 😄😃😄

  • Zyruab Ibrahim

    Zyruab Ibrahim


    Quite. good for family no smoking or drinking has swimming pool

  • Hee Kiong Lau

    Hee Kiong Lau


    Quite an old hotel. Renovation and upgrading is needed. Steamboat and local kueh served at the cafe are good.

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