Radisson Hotel Brunei Darussalam i Bandar Seri Begawan

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BruneiRadisson Hotel Brunei Darussalam



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Jalan Tasek 2203, Bandar Seri Begawan BS8211, Brunei
kontakter telefon: +673 224 4272
internet side: www.radisson.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 4.8946988, Longitude: 114.9425094

kommentar 5

  • jod Talingchan

    jod Talingchan


    Nice and clean. Probably the best hotel in town. Good location

  • omar tariq

    omar tariq


    Nice clean hotel close to city center. Amazing buffet dinners in the restaurants. Helpful and friendly staff. Has 24 hr gym and pool with limited timing depending on weather etc .

  • rumsheed m

    rumsheed m


    The hotel is in prime location. Main attractions are at walkable distance. Hotel is very nice, staffs are welcoming. Cozy rooms.

  • Syazlie Ishak

    Syazlie Ishak


    Love this Hotel alot! Good breakfast. Their margharita Pizza was a YUM! Receptionist were very friendly and the lady receptionist there are beautiful. Another thing to love about this hotel is that they lets you check out late without extra charges.. even until 6pm. A must stay hotel for tourist especially those who need extra sleep before catching an evening flight. ❤❤

  • Andy Yeoh

    Andy Yeoh


    It's the place to stay when visiting Brunei.. Located in Bandar.. it's a short walk to the Water Village jetty and Eco park. The staff there are friendly and helpful. The rooms and facilities are well maintained. And decor is homely.

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