Hostelite Brunei i Bandar Seri Begawan

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BruneiHostelite Brunei


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Bandar Seri Begawan BS8511, Brunei
kontakter telefon: +673 820 1777
internet side:
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Latitude: 4.8920849, Longitude: 114.9377418

kommentar 5

  • Bjørn



    Must be one of the few proper hostels in the kingdom. While there are other options offering cheap accommodation, hostelite is where you'll get the proper vibe, and meet fellow 'packers. Everything within walking distance, and host Ash is a delight. :-)

  • Itaru Sugano

    Itaru Sugano


    1. Location Needless to say anything, the hostel is located nearby the downtown & old mosque as shown in attached photos. And easy to access from BSB bus terminal! 2. Owner The host Mr. Ash is absolutely nice guy and helpful for every guests. He provides us many suggestions which our guests want. No worry if you have never been to Brunei, he supports a lot! 3. Hostel and facilities The hostel has everything you need. Very clean room as shown in attached photo.

  • anis suhanie

    anis suhanie


    1. The hostel is clean. 2. The host, Mr Ash is helpful. You may seek his advice for your itinerary. 3. Walking distance to most of attractions in BSB. 4. Convenient store & restaurants at the ground floor. 5. For Muslims, you may perform solat at hostel or Sultan Omar Mosque.

  • Gerlyn Bauyan

    Gerlyn Bauyan


    Great place for Backpackers. Value for Money. The Host is also nice and very kind. Helps you with the Tours at a very reasonable price. Drinking water is also available. Would love to stay here the next time I flew here. Check them out in Agoda.

  • Lena Pi

    Lena Pi


    Memorable experience at this hostel! The owner is just so hardworking and energetic, did a lot of extra mile service during our stay. STRATEGIC LOCATION - everything is walking distance, made me feel at home. Brunei is my new home away from home. Will definitely come back for sure! Thank you so much Ash!! We owe you big time. We will be back and bring you dried mangoes and dried pineapples.

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