Times Hotel i Bandar Seri Begawan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BruneiTimes Hotel


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2nd Floor, Times Square Shopping Centre, Bandar Seri Begawan BB2713, Brunei Darussalam
kontakter telefon: +673 233 7878
internet side: www.timeshotelbrunei.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 4.9395407, Longitude: 114.9398805

kommentar 5

  • Nera Niza Masri

    Nera Niza Masri


    Convenient...easy to find f&b..

  • Varun Kaushik

    Varun Kaushik


    Nice hotel. Spacious room. Just above the mall

  • en

    Matthew Leong


    Nice hotel. Clean and quiet. Breakfast spread is okay but not fantastic. Staff speak good English and are friendly. Bedsheets and towels are replaced every third day. Soap and shampoo are topped up every third day as well. 2 adjourning rooms with a connecting door are available as well for families. Reserved parking lots directly outside the hotel entrance for guests is a plus point. Decent number of eateries downstairs and relatively nearby. Overall, I would recommend staying here.

  • en

    ehwal e


    Near to airport, big shopping mall, easy to get food 🥘, all are walking 🚶‍♂️ distances, great 👍🏻 place to stay and hang out

  • en

    Graeme Turner


    I stayed here for 9 nights on a recent trip to Brunei and found the hotel to be clean, efficient, spacious and well located. The staff were excellent, friendly and professional. Breakfast was adequate for this level of hotel. The room was large and well appointed for a standard room. The swimming pool was clean and large enough to actually swim in. The ONLY negative was the hit and miss WiFi, but that wasn't as bad as some other reviewers have suggested.

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