Mulia Hotel i Bandar Seri Begawan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BruneiMulia Hotel


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Lot 31954, Spg 9, Kg. Anggerek Desa, Jalan Berakas, Bandar Seri Begawan, BB3713, Bandar Seri Begawan BB3713, Brunei
kontakter telefon: +673 233 5544
internet side:
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Latitude: 4.9326541, Longitude: 114.9449197

kommentar 5

  • AB



    Complimentary hotel provided by royal Brunei Airlines due to long layover. But it's recently changed owners and it needs a makeover. They offer free buffet breakfast which is nice and free airport transfers. Staff are friendly

  • Clifford Setyono

    Clifford Setyono


    A three star hotel only ten minutes from the airport offering buffet meal and free WiFi.

  • Mohammad Hussein

    Mohammad Hussein


    Good and nice hotel with nice room

  • Jonathan S.

    Jonathan S.


    This hotel is a walk into the 1980s and 1990s. Retro at it's best. The look and feel is as if time stood still. Simple business class hotel that offers a weary business traveler a decent night's respite, located very closely to the airport and not too far from downtown. The TV is a dead giveaway of the era this hotel stems from.

  • Jiggee Jon

    Jiggee Jon


    This hotel is a walk into the 1980s and 1990s. Retro at it's best. The look and feel is as if time stood still. Simple business class hotel that offers a weary business traveler a decent night's respite, located very closely to the airport and not too far from downtown. The TV is a dead giveaway of the era this hotel stems from.

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