O'Tacos i Bandar Seri Begawan

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Bandar Seri Begawan BE1318, Brunei
kontakter telefon: +673
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Latitude: 4.9046603, Longitude: 114.9219271

kommentar 5

  • Ella Khalid

    Ella Khalid


    Tacos was delicious! Worth the price. I would recommend to put some music in the shop, atmosphere was really dull and quite. The staff needs customer service training, they were not helpful and friendly at all..

  • Reef BN

    Reef BN


    [(January 2021] Was here last weekend for lunch, it was a random choice (thanks to Google Map). Food is OK, big portion though, good if you are very hungry or if you have a big appetite. Not really familiar with the menu, basically you need to choose type of filling, bread etc OR choose a set meal like I did. Speed of food preparation was below average. And as mentioned in one of the comments here, the menu is not the Mexican type, this is probably a French cuisine. Give it a try, why not. Bon appetit!

  • Amirul Faisal

    Amirul Faisal


    Love it!

  • Wid wid

    Wid wid


    Im falling in love with this yummii food, my fav is size L with minced beef n beef sausage with Algerian sauce add on yellow cheese and fries. always Fast respon if order from WhatsApp. Good food + friendly staff + handsome cashier = happy tummy

  • Ahmed Al-majrafi

    Ahmed Al-majrafi


    I came here with with another seven people of my friends.It was my first time coming here. I have posted photos of my order. Basically I ordered a mix of everything. I like the taste. Also my friends like their order except one person who doesn't like the taste of the bread. The place is very clean. Hand wash and restrooms for male and females are available. The staff are very friendly. This is a French restaurant so it worth trying some French food from here. I would recommend this place of course.

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