Pappa Rich i Bandar Seri Begawan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BruneiPappa Rich



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Blk. G, Ground Flr., Abdul Razak Complex, BE4119,, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei
kontakter telefon: +673 243 2333
internet side:
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Latitude: 4.9080155, Longitude: 114.9172158

kommentar 5

  • Renee Chandran

    Renee Chandran


    Slow service on the weekends.

  • Margaret Wang

    Margaret Wang


    Pleasant and spacious. Food is ok. Cendul and ABC are too sweet

  • IhsaannP (ihsaannP)

    IhsaannP (ihsaannP)


    Great malaysia meals here. Nice Environment for family and work meal. Area surrounded by shops and malls so after done with meal, can do shopping or catch a movie. There's TV and barista to see how drinks are made. Meals in the pictures, I recommend you to try cause they were nice and we finished them 👍 The staff and service: Staff were good except, there was a new employee or trainee we met that didn't understand what we asked for but other staff came to attend us instead (good management) Service was good, all meals come really quick. We were lucky cause we ate there before crowds came for lunch time.

  • arif abqari

    arif abqari


    food r freshly cook & place r very spacious

  • Sharen Tay

    Sharen Tay


    You pay for the restaurant ambience. Food was so so. Excellent staff & service.

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