Kiulap Plaza Hotel i Bandar Seri Begawan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BruneiKiulap Plaza Hotel


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Bandar Seri Begawan BE1518, Brunei
kontakter telefon: +673 223 2252
internet side:
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Latitude: 4.9025518, Longitude: 114.9268541

kommentar 5

  • Mike



    Basic hotel. Good location for coffee shops, Riverside etc. House keeping needs serious attention! Rooms very poorly cleaned. Hair left on floor, cups not washed etc. With a basic upgrade to blankets, towels and toiletries, this hotel could be great.

  • Mohd Afiq Bin Wahid

    Mohd Afiq Bin Wahid


    Nice to stay here.

  • kahsi fanam

    kahsi fanam


    HORRIBLE PLACE! the condition, cleanliness of the hotel was terrible, lack of amenities, there was no tissue AT ALL, my wife also got bitten by bedbugs. would not reccomend this hotel to anyone.

  • Kym Adi Villaruel

    Kym Adi Villaruel


    The room is okay but the TV is very old. It does not have a USB port for connecting an external hard drive. It also does not have smart functions so no Google cast support or any video streaming from your device to TV. Cable TV only has six channels, five of which are local and one is HBO. No international news, no news in English. Internet has 4Mbps download/2Mbps upload but with good latency of 2ms, 1ms jitter and 0% packet loss. My room has an interconnection with another room and I can hear the other room. Food is running on a tight budget of five dollars a day per person. This is where I'll get quarantined for 14 days.

  • Mohd Salleh Ombra

    Mohd Salleh Ombra


    Very popular place for breakfast, lunch and tea time. Enjoy the freshly baked bread & buns with different fillings. Bruneians from all walks of life knows this place, the place where people meet and chit chat while enjoying their coffee.

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