Centrepoint Hotel i Bandar Seri Begawan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BruneiCentrepoint Hotel


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Abdul Razak Complex, Bandar Seri Begawan BE3519, Brunei Darussalam
kontakter telefon: +673 243 0430
internet side: www.thecentrepointhotel.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 4.9072372, Longitude: 114.9154767

kommentar 5

  • mulya djohar

    mulya djohar


    Located in the business area, easy to find foods, the hotel has gym area and free of charge to hotel guest

  • Ulrich Barow

    Ulrich Barow


    Big rooms,, Strong Air conditioning, good breakfast, all You need in the city center.

  • en

    Ethan F.


    Service and quality are generally acceptable. The breakfast buffet is quite diverse. Attention to details is lacking in some areas such as improving the poor Wi-Fi coverage.

  • id

    Kang Dadang


    Berkah rasanya bisa berkunjung ke brunei darussalaam, kota yg bersih dan tertib, banyak pengalaman yg jadi inspirasi

  • Essie Mathew

    Essie Mathew


    I stayed at this hotel twice in 2017.Their service is simply brilliant, excellent amenities very helpful polite friendly staff and love the proximity to shops and restaurants. Strongly recommend this hotel. Well done! Thank you for making my stay memorable.

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