Taman Jubli Perak i Bandar Seri Begawan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BruneiTaman Jubli Perak



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Bandar Seri Begawan BS8411, Brunei Darussalam
kontakter telefon: +673
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Latitude: 4.8987849, Longitude: 114.9350004

kommentar 5

  • Rob Noble

    Rob Noble


    Nice circuit to walk around. Some exercise machines. Small playground for the kids. Saw 3 species of lizard. Can watch the boats go past in the tributary.

  • Travel and Food

    Travel and Food


    One of the biggest parks in Bandar. Maintenance is not up to the standards. No proper lighting in all places. Good for walks and jogging. If it rains difficult to find a shelter.

  • en

    Amni Suhailah


    Best monumental Park in the country so far

  • adyl ellmi

    adyl ellmi


    the place seems like a tragedy waiting to happen. relevant authorities need to ensure that the park is safe for families to spend their weekends at.

  • Shibu Mattummal

    Shibu Mattummal


    Nice and big park in the middle of town. Easy to access and convenient. Well maintained.

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