Tiara Maju Foods i Bandar Seri Begawan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BruneiTiara Maju Foods



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Jalan Muara, Bandar Seri Begawan, Mukim Berakas A, BN Brunei
kontakter telefon: +673 233 7115
internet side: www.mcmaju.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 4.9437088, Longitude: 114.9455827

kommentar 5

  • Amirul Mohamed

    Amirul Mohamed


    Looking for steaks and Wagyu? This is the place to be

  • Joseph Arulraj

    Joseph Arulraj


    Nice fish varieties.

  • Muhammad Abdul Hadi

    Muhammad Abdul Hadi


    masha Allah probably the best frozen lamb available, different thicknesses from either shoulder or leg (bone-in) at reasonable prices ... and fresh oysters when in stock ( they're usually gone in half a day 😁)

  • NeeKhern C. (neekay)

    NeeKhern C. (neekay)


    It doesn't look much but it has the best quality imported frozen meat and seafood from Australia, New Zealand and many others.

  • C CT

    C CT


    Love, love, love this shop in Spg 62. Most of the fish & meats are deep frozen & imported from Australia & NZ, but they do have a small supply of fresh meat available too. Towards end of month they have beautiful fresh fish & oysters when in season. They have a small dairy & frozen veg section & also sell Nespresso pods. Best beef & lamb in town. Beautiful duck & organic chicken. Great service with a smile & they speak English. (Next to Bata Shoe shop at the time of writing, June 2015)

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