Roasted Sip i Bandar Seri Begawan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BruneiRoasted Sip


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Kianggeh, Bandar Seri Begawan BS8111, Brunei
kontakter telefon: +673
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Latitude: 4.891111, Longitude: 114.9441911

kommentar 5

  • Shukri Osman

    Shukri Osman


    Went here for a higher management meeting. Book early if you're a big group. Cakes, pastries and the general service was good ‐-‐----‐--------- update 27/6 Higher management has been ousted. New regime kicking in. Anyway got the Jellate, helpful staff. Nice atmosphere, criminally underrated. Small space but cozy

  • Musa Manggai

    Musa Manggai


    As a coffee lover, I like this cafe enviroment its great, feel relax & clean. Good for meeting point with friends. The chicken puff is not bad.

  • Adrija Majumder

    Adrija Majumder


    Great place to meet up with friends and have delicious coffee. The staff were really friendly and the vibes were just so warm and cozy. Plus there's a 20c discount if you bring your own mug! Would definitely come back again.

  • Frankie W

    Frankie W


    Pros: Excellent espresso, well sourced beans, superb cold brew. A really relaxing place to sit and sip. Cons. No vegan pastries or cakes.

  • Sam Bennett

    Sam Bennett


    Great cafe with high quality coffee. Really good air conditioning and lovely outdoor seats. Great place to relax and chat.

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