Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque i Bandar Seri Begawan

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BruneiOmar Ali Saifuddien Mosque


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Jalan McArthur, BS8711, Bandar Seri Begawan, Mukim Kianggeh, BN Brunei
kontakter telefon: +673
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Latitude: 4.8894609, Longitude: 114.939305

kommentar 5

  • en

    Rio Bihag


    A different experience for non-Muslims like me. Nice from afar. Inside is mostly same as churches with some ceilings.

  • Sami malik

    Sami malik


    The mosque's most recognizable feature, the main dome, is covered in pure gold. The mosque stands 52 m high and can be seen from virtually anywhere in Bandar Seri Begawan. The main minaret is its tallest feature. In a unique way it mixes Renaissance and Italian architectural styles. The minaret has an elevator to the top, where a visitor can enjoy a panoramic view of the city.The interior of the mosque is for prayer only, with features such as stained glass windows, arches, semi-domes and marble columns. Nearly all the material used for the building were imported from abroad: the marble from Italy, the granite from Shanghai, the crystal chandeliers from England, and the carpets from Saudi Arabia.

  • N Fuad

    N Fuad


    A must see in Bandar. Gorgeous inside and out as well as the surroundings. Go at sunset if you can. Love this place

  • Michael Scott Novilla

    Michael Scott Novilla


    It's a LOT of $$ spent here...which they should have invested into the Entrepreneurs living and working nearby...and for all that money spent, upon close inspection, not really that impressive. I expected a whole lot more. I did receive a strong "pitch" for Islam by a nice kid inside. Loots prettier from outside.

  • Syahrir Sukarno

    Syahrir Sukarno


    Smaller than Masjid Jame'. Parking to pray is like non-existence (unless u use the side of the road or adjacent building's.). Cozy on the inside. Surrounded by parks with flowers.

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