Kemuda Institute i Bandar Seri Begawan

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BruneiKemuda Institute



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Simpang 633, BE1118, Bandar Seri Begawan, Mukim Gadong B, BN Brunei Darussalam
kontakter telefon: +673 265 5614
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Latitude: 4.8785152, Longitude: 114.8883516

kommentar 5

  • Fiqah Z

    Fiqah Z


    No, we were not forced by the institute to give 5 star rating. Are you crazy, Hamizan? I seriously think that you have problems of yourself. Take some meds, to relax.

  • Zulkarnain Alias

    Zulkarnain Alias


    Honest review. First of all, I pity Hamizan Mat Zin for being too selfish and self-loathing in his biased comments. During my studies in the institute, my experience were completely different from the poor Hamizan, or whatever name he used. The lecturers were good, kind and understanding. Lazy lecturers, nah I don't think so. The institute helped me a lot in my career, I still can visit the institute anytime and I am still close with the lecturers. The institute has moved to a new location now, better building and better facilities. However, I don't see any jungle around it as mentioned by Hamizan, the lame. The CCTV is good, for our protection. I once lost my phone and I managed to get it back with the help of the CCTV. All in all, I would definitely recommend anyone to study here. P/s: Be positive Hamizan, don't drag anybody into your miserable life.

  • Hamizan Mat Zain

    Hamizan Mat Zain


    It seem like all the reviews here are forced by the institute to give five star rating. In my experience, for the past three years I studied in this college, the education quality is still very low since there are a lot of failures among the students because most of the lecturers there are incompetent, lazy, always canceling class and most of the time, they just break the rules by leaking exam information in hoping their incompetency and their laziness make their student pass the exam by cheating. This college doesn't even deserve the five star rating even though, they have new campus now which is in the middle of a jungle in which most of the time, the campus is still too crowded. There are CCTV installed everywhere in which I feel like I'am a prisoner or a slaves in this college and this makes me uncomfortable to study. This is just my honest review from your beloved student that is being scammed.

  • Fiqah Zoeleffndi

    Fiqah Zoeleffndi


    Tina : Kemuda Institute is one of comfortable college among others college. ILoveKemudaInstitute!! Fiqah S's - kemuda institute gave as lots of facilities such as : - Library. - WIFI. - Canteen. - Student Lounge. - Aircond. - Computer to do RESEARCH. - Classroom/Lab. etc. THANKYOU KEMUDA!!! :D

  • yul Rusli

    yul Rusli


    : Silent place and its time to focus study here. :) AWESOME~!

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