Jubilee Hotel i Bandar Seri Begawan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BruneiJubilee Hotel


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Jalan Kampong Kianggeh, BS8111, Bandar Seri Begawan, Kianggeh, BN Brunei
kontakter telefon: +673 222 8070
internet side: www.jubileehotelbrunei.com
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Latitude: 4.8914422, Longitude: 114.9458652

kommentar 5

  • Deepti Madhukar

    Deepti Madhukar


    Excellent staff and clean hotel. The rooms are comfortable. There is an attached cafe that is a blessing. You get good food at all times. The attached store, nufat mart, is an added advantage and the store owner is friendly and helpful. Breakfast is free and they have delicious options as well.

  • Christine Joy Alba-Rubi

    Christine Joy Alba-Rubi


    Great location. Close to everything. Friendly staff

  • Dina S

    Dina S


    It was good stay. The television works well. Just the fact that the bathroom is so big as the bedroom was not my cup of tea. The design of the room and the hotel itself were very outdated but thats okay. There r a mini market and a cafe on the same floor as the lobby at. It was very convenient. The mini market sells your needs, eg snacks, ointment and some sanitary. The cafe itself was cute. The hotel is very near to Kampong Ayer and the town. You can just walk there. A cool experience.

  • Hafiz M

    Hafiz M


    This is a budget hotel. The facilities quite standard. Car parking lot provided. Nearby Pasar Tamu Kianggeh. Inside and outside looked old, but comfortable.

  • Cornellia Widiastuti

    Cornellia Widiastuti


    Clean, comfortable rooms with tv and fridge. Not-so fast wifi but that's how it goes everywhere in BSB, free airport shuttle. Located in the heart of BSB next to the kianggeh market and within walking distance to the mosque and waterfront.

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