Jeruton Hotel i Sengkurong B

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BruneiJeruton Hotel


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Simpang 396, Sengkurong B, Sengkurong, BN Brunei
kontakter telefon: +673 261 2213
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Latitude: 4.9205468, Longitude: 114.8385889

kommentar 5

  • Fakhri Marzuqi

    Fakhri Marzuqi


    Cheap hotel and popular in Jerudong Area. But it just feels like a regular home. The wifi works just fine and high speed as fast as 8MBps.

  • Eka FyQa

    Eka FyQa


    The place is affordable. Spacious rooms and clean accommodation. Suitable for family. Need to be mindful with kids on stairs as there weren't any lifts available. They need to upgrade their air conditioner on certain rooms though, as it wasn't cold enough.

  • krish spark

    krish spark


    All the food which v ordered was blank. Nothing had any taste.even this wet noodles it was like burnt had no salt

  • Saidah Suhaili

    Saidah Suhaili


    Room not so condusive aircond not cold

  • Rou Chen Jee 余柔辰

    Rou Chen Jee 余柔辰


    Location: convenient within Jerudong area, theres a grocery store behind, also feasible for foods, haircut, etc. Facility: Wifi, but signal is weak. TV but no TV signals or programme available, probably can bring own multimedia and cables to connect to TV.

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