Internationaler Flughafen Brunei i Bandar Seri Begawan

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BruneiInternationaler Flughafen Brunei


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Bandar Seri Begawan BB2513, Brunei Darussalam
kontakter telefon: +673 233 0142
internet side:
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Latitude: 4.944167, Longitude: 114.928333

kommentar 5

  • yanmi7



    ラブアン島やコタキナバルへ行けます。 初めてのアライバルですとイスラム1色に驚くと思います。 ブルネイ王国では王宮や政府関連施設等の警備はミャンマーのグルカ兵が、担当しているそうです。 伝統の世界最強の訓練を耐えたグルカ兵は方々で見ることができるでしょう。 日本やアメリカのようなハイテク武装とは違います。

  • en

    Ben Jackson


    Serious discrase for an international airport... I reckon Avalon would give this airport a good run for it's Money. Where are the classic duty free stores? A so called food mall with 3 spring rolls on display to buy. My only option was instant noodles where they offered some boiling water. 1 hour Wifi?? who does that these days?

  • en

    Justin Allen


    Airport is ok if looking a bit run down. Having said this they have slowly renovated certain areas, especially the business class lounge which used to be absolute garbage. The lounge now is very nice indeed, the facilities are always clean and clearly accessible. If you don't have access to the business class lounge then you only get access to average speed wifi for an hour which is annoying seeing as though it's 2018. The staff here are very friendly and go out of their way to assist you in any way.

  • Food Trail Rider

    Food Trail Rider


    Small but good enough for this country. All ground staffs are really friendly and would attend you nicely. Light backpackers will get around easily with public bus only charged B$1 for any destination, just wait for a while for them to come around.

  • de

    Erwin Schuster


    Der eigentlich schöne Flughafen wird ausgesprochen schlecht geführt. Niemand vom Personal grüßt zum Beispiel. Ich hatte einen Abflug um 7.30 Uhr. Selbst un 6 Uhr konnte ich nicht zum Check in da Kontrollpersonal und der Immigration Officer fehlten. Noch nie habe ich einen Flughafen mit derart unfreundlichem Personal erlebt.

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