Baiduri Bank - The Mall Branch i The Mall Gadong

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BruneiBaiduri Bank - The Mall Branch



🕗 åbningstider

Unit G-30, Ground Floor, The Mall, Abdul Razak Complex, The Mall Gadong BE3519, Brunei
kontakter telefon: +673 242 1498
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 4.9059864, Longitude: 114.9163817

kommentar 5

  • • K a i • (Kai DoesGacha)

    • K a i • (Kai DoesGacha)


    Slowest customer service ever. number was around 4110 when it was 6pm and only reached 4188 at 9pm my dad's number was 4194

  • F. D. Leonhart

    F. D. Leonhart


    Shame cannot give it a zero star. Say opening hour at 9 am but still close anyway (Wrong info better say its open at 9.30 am) and opening bank account took like 1 hour 15 mins to process! Not even other bank was this long to open a single account and the person who's in charge in the counter was so slow in doing anything and was late that I can only assume he is lazy and doing nothing. Anyway very bad services, dissapointed by the outdated and slow process. You may justify you guys were doing your job but the piling que's of waiting was evident of this mismanagement.

  • Siti Zubaidah Binti Haji Nor Hisham

    Siti Zubaidah Binti Haji Nor Hisham


    I was having troubles waking up early and most of the branches have already closed by 4.30pm and I needed to finish an errand on Western Union. It's a good thing that this place closes at night, it would have taken more time to get my errand over and done with as I try to fix my sleeping pattern. The only issue here is that the Western Union counter is outside the bank so when you take a number and you have to wait quite a while for your turn, it kind of gets a little tiring. Unfortunately, there isn't any place for us to sit while we wait, so i ended up standing in the middle of nowhere, awkwardly waiting for my turn, while others have the same dilemma and ended up standing up while their backs are resting at a corner of some wall. There are others who ended up sitting on the floor as well. I even saw someone walking around in circles just to get by. It's desperate call for comfort! But anyway, other than that, the staff is nice and the place is neat, so that's a plus for me.

  • Subaruimpreza Peace

    Subaruimpreza Peace


  • Alai Laila

    Alai Laila


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